The Relationship Between Social Responsibility Disclosure and Stock Price Risk According to the Role of the Company's Performance Moderator

Document Type : Original Article


1 Accounting and Management, Nasser Khosrow Institute of Higher Education, Saveh, Iran

2 aster's student in accounting, Nasser Khosrow Institute of Higher Education, Saveh, Iran


The relationship between corporate social responsibility disclosure and stock price risk is complex due to regulatory effects, indirect effects, and uncertain effects of some intervening factors. The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between social responsibility disclosure and stock price risk, considering the role of the company's performance moderator. The information required for this study is taken from the financial statements of 168 companies in the period 1393-1400. In terms of purpose, the research is part of applied research and the research method is correlational in terms of nature and content, and panel analysis has been used to analyze the hypothesis. The results showed that there is a negative relationship between the disclosure of social responsibility stock price risk; But this relationship is not significant; Also, the company's performance does not affect the relationship between social responsibility disclosure and stock price risk. This negative relationship is consistent with the balance theory, which suggests that companies that actively practice their social responsibility are more likely to disclose more information, increasing transparency and reducing information asymmetry.


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