Investigating artificial intelligence with a financial approach on the global food industry crisis

Document Type : Original Article


1 Electronic University of Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting and Finance, Iranian Electronic Higher Education Institute, Tehran, Iran.


In the last few years, artificial intelligence (AI) has brought about huge changes in many industries. The food industry is no exception to this rule, and artificial intelligence has made its impact on the world of food and beverages. Today, many organizations have realized that artificial intelligence has great potential to increase productivity, reduce food waste, and improve supply chain disruptions. As a result, many food industry activists are trying to make this industry benefit from the benefits of artificial intelligence and its subcategories as soon as possible. But what exactly is the impact of artificial intelligence on the food industry? What is the use of artificial intelligence in the food industry? Stay with us until the end of this article to answer these questions and learn more about the benefits of AI for the food industry.


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